Our production process is designed to minimize our environmental imprint. These are a few examples of how we planned our distillery and our production in order to become one of the greenest whisky distilleries in the world:
All energy for our distillation is supplied by the district heating network, and the highly efficient hot water boilers used there. We receive hot water for our process and when we have extracted our needs, we return the still hot water to the network, where it will go on to heat homes and offices in the town of Arboga.
All the energy we buy from the district heating network is produced from renewable energy sources. We burn no oil in our production.
All distillation is done in a vacuum. Our decision to design our stills for vacuum distillation was mainly a question of producing a better spirit. But there is the added advantage of lowering the boiling point, which in turn means that the entire process consumes far less energy.
We reclaim as much energy as possible. The idea behind it is that no heating that is added to -or created in the distillery should go to waste. One example is that the excess heat from our spirit stills is used to run our mash stills and our brewing system. This is made possible solely thanks to our unique vacuum- and hot water system.
We use an open cooling tower, utilizing the low Swedish outdoor temperature for cooling.
Our draff is collected by a local farmer who uses it for animal feed.
The residue from the distillation is used to produce biogas.
The distillation process heats the air in the distillery, after which the air is moved into the warehouse to heat it during winter.
The cooling jackets on the washbacks are used to heat water used in other parts of the production process.