club agitator

club agitator

Want to get an insight into everyday life at the distillery, know about our upcoming launches before everyone else, or how Oskar Bruno drinks his whisky on weekends? Come to Club Agitator, where you get all that and much more. Become part of the Agitator community.


Exclusive Giveaways: Products and merchandise that are made just for you.

Distillery Tours: Join us on exclusive tours of our distillery in Arboga.

Q&A: Ask all your questions to our distillers and experts in live Q&A sessions.

Behind The Scenes: Go behind the scenes to see what goes on inside the distillery and with our new product launches.

Win a trip to London: Get the chance to win a trip to London and attend the Rolls Royce 120th anniversary event.

Discussions: Take part in discussions with other members on everything from your favourite whisky to cocktail recipes or anything else that comes to mind.

Offers on Amazon

Virtual tastings